

发布时间:2020年04月24日 04:16 点击量:

姓    名: 蓝航镇  

工作单位: 8040www威尼斯-apple app store

职    称: 副教授、硕导

通信地址: 宁波大学梅山校区国际楼701室

联系方式: lanhangzhen@nbu.edu.cn,17855830972






2020年1月-至今:宁波大学,8040www威尼斯-apple app store,副教授,硕导






发表SCI论文14篇,其中第一作者发表8篇,SCI TOP期刊论文2篇。代表性论文如下:

1. Lan, H., Hartonen, K., Riekkola, M.L. Miniaturised air sampling techniques for analysis of volatile organic compounds in air. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 126, 115873. IF=9.801

2. Lan, H., Holopainen, J., Hartonen, K., Jussila, M., Ritala, M., Riekkola, M.L. Fully automated online dynamic in-tube extraction for continuous sampling of volatile organic compounds in air. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91 (13) 8507-8515. IF=6.785

3. Lan, H., Zhang, W., Smått, J.H., Koivula, R., Hartonen, K., Riekkola, M.L. Selective extraction of aliphatic amines by functionalized mesoporous silica-coated solid phase microextraction Arrow. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186 (7), 412. IF=6.232

4. Lan, H., Salmi, L. D., Rönkkö, T., Parshintsev, J., Jussila, M., Hartonen, K., Riekkola, M.L. Integrated atomic layer deposition and chemical vapor reaction for the preparation of metal organic framework coatings for solid-phase microextraction Arrow. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1024, 93-100. IF=5.977

5. Lan, H., Rönkkö, T., Parshintsev, J., Hartonen, K., Gan, N., Sakeye, M., Riekkola, M.L. Modified zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 as solid-phase microextraction Arrow coating for sampling of amines in wastewater and food samples followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1486, 76-85. IF=4.049

6. Lan, H., Pan, D., Sun, Y., Guo, Y., Wu, Z. Thin metal organic frameworks coatings by cathodic electrodeposition for solid-phase microextraction and analysis of trace exogenous estrogens in milk. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 937, 53-60. IF=5.977

7. Lan, H., Gan, N., Pan, D., Hu, F., Li, T., Long, N., Feng, Y. Development of a novel magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer coating using porous zeolite imidazolate framework-8 coated magnetic iron oxide as carrier for automated solid phase microextraction of estrogens in fish and pork samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1365, 35-44. IF=4.049

8. Lan, H., Gan, N., Pan, D., Hu, F., Li, T., Long, N., Qiao, L. An automated solid-phase microextraction method based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer as fiber coating for detection of trace estrogens in milk powder. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1331, 10-18. IF=4.049

