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夏强为第一作者,潘道东为通讯作者的论文发表在Trends in Food Science and Technology (1区,IF 11.077)上

发布时间:2020年11月05日 09:42 点击量:

近日,8040www威尼斯潘道东院长领衔的畜产品加工团队在国际食品领域顶级期刊《Trends in Food Science and Technology》(1区,IF=11.077)发表了题为“Nonthermally driven volatilome evolution of food matrices: The case of high pressure processing”的综述文章,潘道东教授为该文通讯作者,夏强博士为第一作者,农产品质量安全危害因子与风险防控国家重点实验室为通讯作者单位,合作单位还包括乳业生物技术国家重点实验室、瓦伦西亚大学以及澳门大学等。




Figure. Schematic representation of the potential correlation between structural changes of protein under high pressure and the binding/release of volatile compounds (A), as well as of the pressure effects on dissociation with increasing HPP levels as exemplified by different domains (B). 







夏 强   讲 师

夏强,博士,宁波大学讲师,201903月毕业于上海交通大学,获工学博士学位;主要从事畜产品加工与非热技术等方面的研究。获得 2017/2018年度中英联合研究创新基金,研究生国家奖学金2次;主持浙江省自然科学基金等省部级项目2项,参与完成国家自然基金、国家科技支撑计划等多个项目,累计发表学术论文40余篇,在Ultrasonics SonochemistryTrends in Food Science & TechnologyCritical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionFood ChemistryFood ControlFood Research InternationalJournal of Food ScienceInnovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies等主流期刊发表一作/通讯作者 SCI 论文17篇,累计影响因子超过701ESI 高被引论文,一区SCI论文9篇,12Top 期刊论文;参编英文专著2本,撰写英文章节4章;申请1份国家专利;参加国际会议作口头报告并发表会议论文1篇;Food Chem.Waste Biomass Valor.Food Res. Int.Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol.Trends Food Sci. & Technol.LWTProcess Biochem.Cereal Chem.SCI期刊特邀审稿人,2017年度Elsevier杂志Food Research International 杰出审稿人奖


潘道东    教 授

潘道东,教授,博士生导师,宁波大学8040www威尼斯-apple app store执行院长,浙江省动物蛋白食品精深加工技术重点实验室主任,食品科学与工程浙江省一流学科带头人,国家水禽产业技术体系肉类加工岗位科学家,中国畜产品加工研究会常务理事。一直从事肉类加工与质量控制技术、乳酸菌及其功能因子等方面的理论与应用研究,主持完成了国家科技部“863”、国家自然科学基金等 20 余项省部级以上项目的研究工作。研制的水禽 肉精深加工及其副产物综合利用、乳酸菌及其发酵产品开发等系列集成技术已在多家企业推广应用,取得 了显著的经济与社会效益。申请国家发明专利42 件,已授权35 件,其中20 件已经获得成功转移转化。出版科技书籍 部, 发表SCI 论文 80 余篇。研究成果获教育部科技进步一等奖(排名第1)、浙江省科技进步二等奖(排名第1)、教育部科技进步 二等奖(排名第1)、江苏省科技进步二等奖(排名第2)、三等奖(排名第1)等奖项。






Nonthermally driven volatilome evolution of food matrices: The case of high pressure processing

Qiang Xia, Yuanrong Zheng, Zhenmin Liu, Jinxuan Cao, Xiaojia Chen, Lianliang Liu, Huaning Yu, Francisco J.Barba, Daodong Pan


The adoption of innovative nonthermal processing as alternatives to conventional heating techniques in the food industry is mainly relied on their tremendous potential to simultaneously achieve preservation purposes and the maintenance of fresh-like characteristics and health benefits of final products. With increasing evaluation for the applicability of nonthermal processing, there remains, however, a great challenge for keeping the balance between the efficiency of microbial/enzymatic inactivation and the maintenance of sensory and nutritional characteristics. Accordingly, a timely summarization and elucidation of the response pattern and mechanism of related quality parameters under nonthermal conditions is of great importance.

Scope and approach

In this review, the nonthermal effects of high pressure processing (HPP) on volatilome evolution are discussed, considering its close relationship with food flavor quality. It starts with elucidating the pressurization principles linked to volatilome evolution. Then, the general volatile fingerprinting features responding to HPP in major food items are summarized, followed by the analysis of the response mechanisms behind. Finally, the potential of innovative applications based on HPP-induced volatilome evolution is discussed.

Key findings and conclusions

A critical examination of newly updated findings has suggested the non-negligible spatiotemporal HPP effects on the headspace volatile fingerprinting and flavor perception of pressurized foods. HPP-induced volatilome evolution results from the biochemical, physical, and chemical as well as metabolic effects of high pressure, and specific mechanisms depend on the features and manufacturing crafts of sample matrices, process variables and processing patterns. HPP shows its great potential as an aroma modification and flavor-tailoring technique, based on a comprehensive understanding of the mechanistic and quantitative relationship between volatilome evolution and process parameters.